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We’re all born innocent, pure, and bursting with sweetness. As babies, our eyes are wide with enthusiasm and intensity as we look around at all the wonderful things that are in our new world. Our little arms and hands are constantly reaching out to touch, feel, and explore whatever we can grasp. Our skin, so soft and tender, smells delicious. And our hearts and spirits are open to the magic and wonder of life.

As newly born, we are also helpless and dependent on our parents or caregivers for survival. We trust that our cries for food will be heeded, and our squeals of fear or pain will bring comfort and reassurance. No longer in the womb, we trust that those charged with our care will keep us safe from any dangers that this new world brings.

However, if our cries go unanswered; if our needs to be tenderly comforted go unacknowledged; if we’re beaten, degraded, violated by our caregivers, then that trust is betrayed.  We remain fearful rather than reassured. The sweetness of birth begins to sour. The potential, once so apparent at birth, begins to fade. Our journey through life may be one filled with emptiness and pain rather than joy.

The three phases of Source Completion Therapy (SCT) are designed to cleanse and heal from these emotional wounds:


  1. Awareness: In this phase, people learn to explore, examine, and become aware of the main source of their dysfunctional behavior. Source Completion Therapy, through a variety of methods, including body awareness and dream interpretation, shows individuals how to get to the source of their pain.

  2. Relive, Re-experience, Release:  This phase becomes an emotional experience in which individuals learn to relive and re-experience, in vivid details, the events, feelings, and circumstances related to their pain. Through techniques such as visual imagery and self- hypnosis, people learn to focus on all five senses as they re-experience the past in the present moment.

  3. ​Completion: As the name implies, the third phase of SCT completes the purging process. At this stage, people learn to directly and effectively confront those responsible for their pain.

© 2023 by Robert T. Bleck, All rights reserved.

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